
Yorkshire - Midsummer A Gap in the Hedgerow by David Hockney
Midsummer: East Yorkshire 2004 by David Hockney was a series of 36 watercolours presented as a single work. The prints we have on display at The Old Forge each represent one of the individual watercolours and are the same size as the originals, so you can imagine the impact that 36 watercolours exhibited in six rows of six would have had when they were originally displayed. Each watercolour depicts a local scene of the Wolds.

Yorkshire Midsummer - Roadside Plants & Landscape by David Hockney
Hockney first got to know the Wolds countryside during his childhood and as a teenager spent his summers here earning pocket money as an agricultural labourer. In the late 1980’s he began making regular visits to the area when his mother & sister settled in the seaside town of Bridlington and when his mother died in 1999 he subsequently took over her large 1920’s house and built himself a large studio at the top.

Wheatfield & Road - David Hockney
Hockney continues to spend time painting in the Yorkshire Wolds and recently donated his largest ever work ‘Bigger Trees near Warter’ to The Tate Gallery. The painting measures 4.6m x 12.2m (15’ x 40’) and was painted in situ on 50 separate canvases.